1220 Exhibits has over 31 years of experience, and the knowledge to protect and safely display any artifact.
1220’s in-house Artifact Mount Designer and Fabricator creates custom mount and bracket designs to suit any project. After meeting with the curator or conservator to gain an understanding of the unique needs of each artifact, sketches are produced for each artifact mount, including material recommendations. The goal is to design a mount that meets the safety and conservation needs while remaining as low profile as possible keeping the focus on the artifact.
Custom artifact mounts are fabricated in-house utilizing welding, sewing, carving foam and acrylic construction. Mounts are designed using approved conservation materials such as brass, Plexiglas, acrylic coated materials, and archival papers in accordance with museum standards.
1220’s Artifact Mount Designer and Fabricator work from images, dimensions, and tracings to layout the artifacts in AutoCAD to ensure a proper fit in relation to the overall design aesthetic.
Installation of all mounts and artifacts are done on site so that no artifact must leave the security of the museum. 1220’s Artifact Mount Designer and Fabricator leads the installation, to ensure that the knowledge used in designing the mount is taken into consideration during the installation, and to ensure the safety and security of each artifact.